Board and Executive
OzSAGE Board and Executive
All of the following individuals contribute their time and expertise as volunteers to support OzSAGE’s mission of improving health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. These individuals contribute in their personal capacities, and explicitly do not represent the views of their employers or other organisations.
Dr Andrew Miller, OzSAGE Chair
Expertise: Anaesthesia, Legal, Governance & Medico-political
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Dr Karina Powers, OzSAGE Director
Expertise: Occupational Medicine
Prof Geoff Hanmer, OzSAGE Director
Expertise: Built Environment, Ventilation
Prof Lisa Jackson-Pulver
Public Health, Aboriginal Health
Prof David Allen
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Prof Kerryn Phelps
Primary Care
Prof Raina MacIntyre
Public Health, Infectious Diseases
Prof Lidia Morawska
Ventilation, Safe air
A/Prof David Anderson
Ms Anna Davidson
Regional primary care
A/Prof Donna Green
Schools, HEPA
Dr Alan Mclean
Paramedicine, Ambulance, Public Health
Dr Thomas Solano
Critical Care